Introduction & Follow-Up Talk
It is very important to us that the theatre visit for your school class is not a dry compulsory programme but an exciting pleasure. For this reason, we offer a theatre education programme to accompany our productions:
Upon request, you will receive an age-appropriate introduction to the play before your visit to the performance. Dramaturges or theatre pedagogy colleagues will inform you about important facts about the production and the special features of the production concept.
Directly after the performance, we can clarify open questions about the production in a follow-up discussion with the pupils and discuss them with the artists of the production.
Information and registration (at least two weeks in advance) at:
Opera & School Day
You want to know what an opera is and how it is created? In conversation with the directing team, you will learn more about the music, content and concept of our major opera premieres.
We invite you to participate and try out in workshops: In role studies you get to know the most important main protagonists, their character traits and impulses for action and look analytically at their musical implementation. Afterwards you will get an insight into the rehearsals and can watch a stage orchestra rehearsal.
Information and registration under:
Hansel and Gretel
10.00 - 13.00 o'clock
from class 3
Premiere: 24.11.2018
Così fan tutte
10.00 -13.00 o'clock
from class 10
Premiere: 12.01.2019
10.00 -13.00 o'clock
from class 9
Premiere: 09.03.2019
Premiere classes
We offer school classes an exclusive insight into the creation of a production for selected productions. On two project days in the theatre, we deal with the content of the play, the author and look at the staging and equipment concept. In addition, we visit rehearsals and talk to the production team.
Information and registration under:
Premiere classes are offered for the following productions:
A Clockwork Orange
from class 10/11 (16 years)
Project days in September
Premiere: 05.10.2018
Three days in the country
from class 8
Project days in May
Premiere: 30.05.2019
Don Giovanni
from class 9
Premiere: 08.09.2018
Hänsel und Gretel
from class 3
Premiere: 24.11.2018
The Circle
from class 10
Premiere: 04.05.2019

Musical taster lesson in school and kindergarten
To get to know the orchestral instruments better, our musicians*girls visit the pupils*girls for a music lesson of a special kind: we tell them something about the creation, construction and functioning of the instruments, explore the various sounds together with the pupils*girls and demonstrate technical tricks, including, of course, small musical examples. And then there is plenty of time to ask questions and even try out a few instruments.
We individually adapt this offer to the different class levels, from kindergarten upwards. The perfect complement to a concert visit and for instrument lessons!
Trial lessons are free of charge. The dates will be arranged individually according to your and our time possibilities.
Rhapsody in school
For many years, the DNT and the Staatskapelle Weimar have been participating in this project by sending the musicians* of the Staatskapelle Weimar or world-famous soloists* of the symphony concerts to schools.
Starting with the 2019/20 season, the project is to be extended to include opera. In connection with a performance visit, we will visit you in the classroom.
lease contact us if you are interested in the project. We would be happy to advise you which opera visit would be the right one for your class. The project is financially supported by the Deutsche Bank Foundation.
Find out more about the project »Rhapsody goes opera«.
Rehearsal visit - right in the middle of the music
Some of our rehearsals are open to young concert goers*. One class may be present at a time when the Staatskapelle Weimar is preparing for a concert - may experience how music grows together and begins to live. The pupils* sit in the middle of the orchestra.
Rehearsal visits are free of charge. The dates will be arranged individually according to your and our time possibilities.
For selected plays, we provide you with material folders for the preparation and follow-up of a theatre visit, which you can receive by e-mail on request.
Contact us:

Workshops on selected productions
We teach the language of theatre and give you the opportunity to express yourself creatively.
In connection with a performance visit and according to capacity, we come to your school within a radius of 30 kilometres or you come to the theatre with your group for a workshop.
Für Pädagog*innen, Erzieher*innen und Referendar*innen, die spielerische, kreative Methoden für den Unterricht, Gruppenführung, Theaterleitung kennenlernen möchten, bieten wir kostenfreie, spielpraktische Fortbildungen im Verlauf des Jahres an. Immer wieder kündigen wir diese in unserem Pädagog*innen Newsletter an.
Die Fortbildungen orientieren sich an einer Theaterinszenierung, deren Inhalt und Spielweise. Sie vermitteln Methoden der Spielleitung und musikalische oder schauspielerische Fertigkeiten.
Der Besuch der Veranstaltung wird Ihnen als Fortbildung in Kooperation mit THILLM von uns bescheinigt.
Melden Sie sich für den Pädagoginnen-Newsletter an, um informiert zu bleiben oder teilen Sie uns ihr Interesse in einer Mail mit.
25th Weimar School Theatre Days
07.05. – 10.05.2019
Theatre groups of all school types from Weimar and the Weimar region once again conquer the stages of the DNT and the stellwerk - young theatre in Weimar.
It shows what has been created in class or in the theatre company since the beginning of the school year: rehearsal stands and finished performances. A workshop program frames the school theatre days.

Theatre & School Days
On these days the DNT and the stellwerk - junges Theater Weimar offer exciting workshops to school classes on the contents and approaches of the productions. Ensemble members from music theatre, drama and Staatskapelle Weimar are always present.
The seating capacity is limited, early registration is recommended!
Wed, 25.09.2019, 10.00-13.00 hrs:
for 4th to 7th class
Thu, 26.09.2019, 10.00-13.00 o'clock:
for 8th to 12th class
Registration until 28.08.2019 at
Anmeldung jeweils bis 28.08.2019 unter