© Johanna Ruebel
© Johanna Ruebel
  • Großes Haus

Weimar Speeches 2023

»Riskante Träume« // Svenja Flaßpöhler

Svenja Flaßpöhler is a German philosopher, journalist and author. She studied philosophy, German language and literature, and sports in Münster from 1994 to 2001 and received her doctorate in 2006 with the thesis "Der Wille zur Lust. Pornography and the Modern Subject." As a freelance author, she has written numerous essays and features, including for Deutschlandradio and the magazine Psychologie Heute. From 2011 to 2016, Svenja Flaßpöhler was deputy editor-in-chief of "Philosophie Magazin," from 2013 to 2016 she was a book critic on 3sat's "Buchzeit," and from December 2016 to December 2017 she was managing editor for literature and the humanities at Deutschlandfunk Kultur. She has been editor-in-chief of "Philosophie Magazin" since January 2018. In 2007, she received the Arthur Koestler Prize of the German Society for Human Dying for her book "Mein Wille geschehe.Sterben in Zeiten der Freitodhilfe" (My Will Be Done: Dying in Times of Assisted Suicide). With her polemic "Die potente Frau" (2018) and her book "Sensibel. Über moderneEmpfindlichkeit und die Grenze des Zumutbaren," she confronts current social debates. In it, she calls for strengthening one's own resilience in the face of social and ideological conflicts. For this reason, too, she criticizes the tendency to want to protect the subject from all impositions as a danger to liberal society.


For the 30th edition of Weimar Speeches, we ask three women to the lectern to share their thoughts on the theme of "Risky Dreams." At a time when the reality of war has come so close to our country, when certainties are dissolving about how peace should be made, with whom one must or may ally oneself, what recognized value the democratic procedure in this country even still has, it seems risky to talk about dreams that may lead away from the problem-laden reality. But precisely that, the ability and desire to dream and to share these dreams with each other, possibly holds the chance to anticipate what exists. Our three speakers will illuminate the phenomenon of dreams and the risky aspects of it from different perspectives: journalistic, poetic and philosophical.

Moderation: Liane von Billerbeck


Natalie Amiri
12.3.2023, 11 Uhr, Großes Haus

Thea Dorn
19.3.2023, 11 Uhr, Großes Haus

Combiticket for all three speeches 29,10 € (Valid only when purchased at the theater box office)

The Weimar Speeches are a joint event with the City of Weimar, curated by Angela Egli-Schmidt and Beate Seidel.


Supported by Thüringer Netkom GmbH and Weimarer Wohnstätte GmbH, presented by Thüringische Landeszeitung and MDR Thüringen

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