by Karlheinz Stockhausen as musical dance theatre // Guest appearance by Opera Lab Berlin
The first-time scenic-choreographic interpretation of Karlheinz Stockhausen's classical concert »Stimmung« presents a community of dancing singers who embark on a search for meaning. Danced overtone singing becomes God's requiem as well as a spiritual attempt to revive his remains. In the contradiction of isolation and collectivity, the desperately hopeful conjure up artificial and real paradises in the midst of metaphysical homelessness. The musical dance theatre »Stimmung« develops its liturgy from tragicomic encounters with the final things. The guest performance of the Berlin music theatre ensemble Opera Lab Berlin shows »Stimmung« in a way never seen and never heard before.
Musical Conduction Francesca Verga, David Eggert Staging Margaux Marielle-Tréhoüart Stage & Costumes Cristina Nyffeler Lighting Emese Csornai Creative direction Opera Lab Berlin Evan Gardner
With Sophie Catherin, David Eggert, Nina Guo, Magnus Hallur Jonsson, Julien Ségol und Gina May Walter
A production by Opera Lab Berlin, funded by the Capital Cultural Fund (HKF)