• Weimarhalle

4. Symphony Concert

works by Vincent d'Indy, Frederic Chopin, Henri Duparc and Albert Roussel

Vincent d'Indy: »La forêt enchantée«. Sinfonische Legende nach Ludwig Uhland op. 8
Frederic Chopin: Konzert für Klavier und Orchester Nr. 2 f-Moll op. 21
Henri Duparc: »Aux étoiles«. Poème symphonique
Albert Roussel: Sinfonie Nr. 1 op. 7 »Le poème de la forêt«

It is no accident that Germans like using French words, such as ›charme‹, ›raffinesse‹ and ›nonchalance‹. The term ›phantasie‹ is another which plays a very important role in this context. Accompanied by a dash of Mediterranean ›savoirvivre‹, we have put together the ingredients for a 4th Symphony Concert that is sure to delight with its unique flavour. No other nation boasts a musical oeuvre in which the distinctive character of the instruments is so present. In this concert, conducted by Fabien Gabel, the audience can look forward to the playful magic and harmonies of natural poetry, penned by the French composers Vincent d'Indy, Henri Duparc und Albert Roussel. The artistically inspiring flair of the French capital moved Chopin to make Paris the centre of his life for many years. The sensitive character of Chopin’s enchanting second piano concerto is captured by the soloist Alexej Gorlatch, the winner of the ARD music competition of 2011 who, despite his young age, has achieved the standing of a mature artist.

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  • Fabien Gabel (Dirigent)
  • Alexej Gorlatch (Klavier)